Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to TFS-Foundations Part II: Complexity Thinking

    • Welcome the TFS Foundations Course from the Instructor (Skip if already viewed in Parts I, III, or IV)

    • Introduction to Complexity Thinking Module: TFS-Foundations Part II

    • TFS Foundations Syllabus Workbook

    • Course Expectations (skip if already completed in Part I, III, or IV)

  • 2

    What is Complexity?

    • An Introduction to Complexity Thinking

    • Systems and Complexity Thinking Blog by Dave Snowden

    • Turner-Baker-2019-Complexity-Theory (

    • What is Complexity

    • What is Complexity: Definitions

    • Deductive, Inductive and Abductive Reasoning

    • PDCA - The Scientific Method Applied

    • Edwards Deming Video on PDSA

    • Evolution of the PDCA Cycle by Moen and Norman (Read Short Article).

    • Deming's System of Profound Knowledge (View Video)

    • VUCA

    • Complex & Wicked Problems

    • Churchman on Complex & Wicked Problems

    • Disruptive Innovation

    • TFS - What is Complexity Workbook

    • Test Your Understanding - Complexity

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    The Cynefin Framework (ku-nev-in)

    • The Cynefin Framework

    • The Cynefin Framework - Figure

    • The Cynefin Framework - An Overview

    • Cynefin Framework - Introduction by Dave Snowden

    • The Origins of Cynefin (Recommended Reading)

    • When Disease Requires a Complexity Framework. Cynefin: Weaving Sense-Making into the Fabric of Our World, edited by Riva Greenberg and Boudewijn Bertsch, Cognitive Edge Pte Ltd., Singapore, 2021, pp. 154-168. Used with permission. Downloads Disabled.

    • Complex Acts of Knowing: Paradox and Descriptive Self-awareness

    • IMPORTANT 2020 Domain Update of the Cynefin Framework

    • Blank Cynefin Framework - 2021

    • TFS - Cynefin Framework Workbook

    • Test Your Understanding - Cynefin Framework

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    Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS)

    • Complex Adaptive Systems

    • Complex Adaptive System - Introduction

    • CAS Example - Flight of Starlings (Creative Commons Attribution:

    • Video - Complex Adaptive Systems

    • CAS - Characteristics

    • CAS-Characteristics

    • TFS - Complex Adaptive Systems Workbook

    • Testing Your Understanding - CAS

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    • Sensemaking

    • Sensemaking - Introduction

    • What is Sensemaking?

    • Understanding Sensemaking

    • Anecdote Circles

    • Anecdote Circles (online resource from anecdote')

    • Definitions: Stories, Narratives, Anecdotes

    • Facilitating the Process

    • TFS - Sensemaking Workbook

    • Test Your Understanding - Sensemaking

    • D.Walsh Sensemaking Applications for Agile Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Metrics

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    Weak Signal Detection

    • Weak Signal Detection (WSD)

    • Weak Signal Detection - Introduction

    • WSD - Sensemaking Basic Conditions

    • What Prevents Detection

    • You Have to Use Sensemaking

    • TFS - Weak Signal Detection 1 Workbook

    • Filtering Is Key

    • Identification & Selection

    • TFS - Weak Signal Detection 2 Workbook

    • Test Your Understanding - Weak Signal Detection

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    Network Analysis

    • Network Analysis

    • Network Analysis - Introduction

    • Parts of a Network and Example

    • Network Theory - Lesson #1 (Creative Commons Attribution License -

    • Network Theory - Lesson #2 (Creative Commons Attribution License -

    • The Emergence of Network Science (

    • TFS - Network Analysis Workbook

    • Test Your Understanding - Network Analysis

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    Story Telling & Narratives

    • Storytelling and Narratives

    • Storytelling - Introduction

    • Storytelling - Unconscious Meaning

    • Storytelling - Taking A Pulse

    • Storytelling - Cognitive/Externalized; Telling/Listening; Storytelling/Critique

    • Components of Storytelling

    • TFS - Storytelling Workbook

    • Test Your Understanding - Storytelling and Narratives

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    Empirical Process Control

    • Empirical Process Control

    • Organizational Empirical Process Control model (OEPC)

    • Empirical Process Control - Organizational Level

    • TFS-EPC Workbook

    • Test Your Understanding - Empirical Process Control-Organization

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    Constraint Management

    • Constraint Management

    • Constraint Management

    • Theory of Constraint - Bottleneck (Creative Commons Attribution - mmmQtZw5a1Y)

    • Embrace Constraints–Phil Hansen (Creative Commons Attribution -

    • TFS - Constraint Management Workbook

    • Test Your Understanding – Constraint Management

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    • Prototypes

    • Prototyping

    • Prototyping to Understand and to be Understood - Dropbox (Creative Commons)

    • TFS-Prototype Workbook

    • Test Your Understanding - Prototyping

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    The OODA Loop

    • The Observe-Orient-Decide-Act Loop (OODA)

    • The OODA Loop (source:

    • The OODA Loop Description (source:

    • The OODA Loop - A Brief Description

    • OODA Loop - Strategy - Dr. Bonevac (

    • TFS - The OODA Loop Workbook

    • Test Your Understanding - The OODA Loop

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    Scrum the Toyota Way

    • Scrum the Toyota Way

    • Scrum the Toyota Way - Nigel Thurlow

    • TFS - Scrum the Toyota Way Workbook

    • Test Your Understanding - Scrum the Toyota Way

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    Complexity Thinking Attributes - Conclusion

    • Complexity Thinking Attributes

    • Test Your Understanding - Complexity Thinking Attributes